Peter Dench photographer

Made in England Uncensored in Bonn

I’ve seen a whole lot of Bonn since 2003, at every hour of the day. I like photography too so when this Brit hears that a photo-journalist from England has an exhibition here, I pay attention. When the exhibition focuses on England and alcohol, it gets personal. When the photographer plans a tour of Germany, I start thinking.

The Peter Dench, Made in England photography exhibition is in Bonn and, alongside the Very British (A German Perspective) exhibition in the German History Museum, it makes for an interesting visit. I joined a Meet the Artist session with Peter.

Peter Dench is from the same era as me and has a similar love of the ‘images’ of England. His photographs are truthful.

Image: Peter Dench.

There’s very little processing on the photos but importantly, there’s very little processing of the people he’s photographed and I think that’s the main attraction for me. He watches, he waits, he photographs. And then he asks questions and finds the story; The journalist in the photo-journalist.

Peter says that he wants to come to Germany to do a photography project.

What to photograph in Germany

What should Peter, or any photo journalists taking on Germany, focus on? Where should a photographer spend hours, and hours, watching and learning before they take a single photograph in Germany? I have some ideas.

  • Karneval
  • Stammtisch
  • Partykeller
  • Camping
  • Vatertag
  • Saunaclub
  • Kaf­fee­klatsch

My son, up there, says Pokemon, which reminds me of the wonderful cosplay culture here in Germany.

There’s more, and I invite you to contribute. What additional words should Peter Dench research when he comes to Germany? Add to the comments.

My top suggestion would be to accompany a ladies Kegel Klub Ausflug, in the regional express train at 9 O’Clock in the morning. You’ve never heard such a wonderfully loud bunch of drunk mature women in your life.

Where is the Peter Dench photography exhibition?

In the Bonn, Heussalle underground station in front of the Haus der Geschichte museum underground entrance. It runs until November 2019.

Chippy moved to Bonn in 2002 after spending some time in Duesseldorf in 1998 and hasn't moved an inch since. Originally from Ipswich, England but worked in London, Dublin and Amsterdam. Chippy has been involved with the 'internet' since 1987 and blogging since 2006.